Author Archive for admin

Special events near Vancouver: May 28 & 29

The Mennonite Historical Society of British Columbia is graciously hosting me for a two special events at Columbia Bible College in Abbotsford, BC. On Saturday, May 28, at 7:00pm we’ll have a screening of Through the Desert Goes Our Journey.…

Upcoming Conference at Georgetown

In a few weeks, I’ll be presenting my research about the Mennonites of Pilgrims On The Silk Road alongside a scholar who studied church missions & politics in the Belgian Congo, and the Irish-American Catholic use of mass media (i.e.…

Pilgrims on the Silk Road: Key Reviews

Editorial Reviews “While Ratliff’s historical presentation is a major accomplishment, the fascinating effect of his book is due largely to his storytelling skill …” –Mennonite Quarterly Review Highlighting Ratliff’s masterful presentation…I conclude with the most outstanding attribute of the book-its…

Wonderful Book Review From MHSBC

BOOK REVIEW Pilgrims on the Silk Road: a Muslim-Christian Encounter in Khiva. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2010. By Robert Martens From Roots and Branches, 17:1, February, 2011. Where is this last gathering place of the true church? The answer:…

The Year of the Book

It has been quite a year for Agile Arts and the Ratliff family. We feel very blessed to have the opportunity to tell some previously untold stories, and learn a few new ones as well. Pilgrims on the Silk Road…

Charting Ideas Through Time

Google just released a new tool called Ngram that compiles keywords from their vast library of scanned books. It charts these keywords from the 16th century to 2008. This makes Ngram a wonderful tool for seeing the rise and fall…